Plagiarism Free Guarantee

We do not sell writing tasks that are unchecked for plagiarism. That is why, when our writers have the final version of the task, we check it for plagiarism. Especially for this purpose, our team of developers has released a software program, allowing us to check any part of the text for plagiarism and thus proving its originality. Every paper checked for plagiarism by our program will not have a duplicate somewhere in the online sources or inside of our paper database. We value the time and money of our customers, so that is why we aim to provide them with top-quality papers.

Quite often, our clients ask us to check the paper for originality. This is the main request that unites customers’ instructions. However, it should not be a reason for worries. The point is that the service of plagiarism checking is included in the total cost. Thus, when clients pay for an essay or other type of written paper, they may be 100% sure that our reliable software program will check the text for plagiarism. We never give papers to clients, if we are not sure in its originality.

Also, it is important to note, that the following Plagiarism Free Guarantee has certain exceptions. For example, this plagiarism free guarantee will not cover cases when a client orders proofreading, final editing, or rewriting. Our company is able to provide clients with Plagiarism Free Guarantee, only when the paper is written from scratch. In other cases (when clients give us the initial text to work with), we cannot be sure that the provided text was not plagiarized beforehand.

If a client has concerns about the originality of the written paper from our company, he or she can revise the paper for plagiarism for free. Clients have a right for launching a dispute. In order to submit a dispute, we ask clients to provide us with documents proving the fact of plagiarism. Thus, it can be scanned with Turnitin program or comments of the professor, regarding found facts of plagiarism. Using the above-mentioned documents, clients can resolve the issue of detected plagiarism. Fortunately, is a reliable provider of writing services. We have plenty of steady customers, so it is the main sign of corporate success. Everyone can trust us with writing essays, paper work, or other academic tasks and we will show the best results. We always follow principles, featured in this Plagiarism Free Guarantee, because every client is important for us.

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